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Patch 0.62 Preview


Patch 0.62 Coming Soon

Patch 0.62 will feature Balance Changes, UI / UX improvements, Ranked Earning Adjustments and several additional bug fixes. This is a sneak preview of our Patch and will be updated with all information once the patch is released.


We're actively enhancing our user interface and experience with several upcoming updates. Your feedback is valuable as we optimize the platform for mobile launch. Keep sharing your thoughts with us!

  • The Nav is now collapsible
  • New menu screen for Vs AI screen
    • You can now choose turn order when playing Vs AI and Private Queues
  • You can now change the scaling of select menu screens
    • Navigate to Settings > Video to find the slider to adjust the scaling size

Ranked Earnings Adjustment

We’re excited to share that starting in February’s Season, players will need to win games starting at rank Gold V or higher, to earn Prime. This enhancement will ensure that we continue to reward our most dedicated players.

Card Changes

Welcome back to balance patch notes! This release aims to strengthen Augencore at all stages of the game and rein in power from Scipius and his Kathari brethren. Let’s dive right in:

Foundry Technician

In order to add some strength to the foundational gameplay of Augencore, we’re starting from low on the curve. This change should make the Tech stickier and more resilient, allowing more value for longer. Moving out of the sights of Mercenary Gunslinger in particular should make this play feel safer.


G.R.A.U.L. is a tricky card to add power to, but this change is looking to create more opportunities for major plays without losing too much tempo if they don’t work out. If you go for broke with a G.R.A.U.L. that gets killed immediately, at least now you won’t be permanently down the banked upgrade. While this does technically allow it to be a ramp card, we think that the cost of the unit and the nature of Aftermath will keep it in line with our goals here.

Ishkur, Arak's Enforcer

This is just an obvious buff to make Ishkur more immediately and lastingly impactful. As usual, we’ll keep an eye on this to make sure that he’s not out of band.

The Swarm

This change adds versatility with a primary focus on the turn that Arak is played, but also extends to future turns. Now players can choose whether the Swarm or the components are what they want on the field without requiring interaction from their opponents.

Triumph of Iron

Triumph of Iron doesn’t see much play and doesn’t win much when it is played. Compared to the rest of the Triumph cards, this one has performed poorly. Hopefully this additional strength and consistency can bring it closer to the meta.

Repeater Cannon

We want Augencore upgrades to be more exciting. This one in particular is now more exciting.

VoxTech Jammer Mk. I

This is to create more synergy opportunities with Aftermath Augencore cards.


The goal of Killbox was to give Kathari decks with a significant board presence and/or board advantage a way to end the game rather than needing to fight through more turns to win a game they were dominating. However, as released, the card ends some games that weren’t as over as we might have hoped. This change leaves all the power in the card but moves it up the curve to let it retain its role as the killing blow without being the boogieman it is today.

High-Density Genetic Replicator

This is an exciting card but we think it scales too strong in multiples. This change should allow decks fighting for tempo against buffed clones to find more opportunities to be more efficient in attacking the board.

No Snitching

This probably shouldn’t have hit Paragons originally, but we weren’t sure how receptive the audience would be to spending a card to “answer” a threat without removing it. We should not have been concerned, y’all have been very receptive. Allowing No Snitching to hit Paragons opened up some interesting lines (like being able to attack with Cathy), but has proven to be quite stifling for more expensive, build-around Paragons. This change should leave the card plenty strong but let some Paragons have more breathing room.

Bug Fixes

All bug fixes will be listed when the patch is released. Please revisit this section on Patch day.