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0.25 Patch Now Live
Patch 0.25 contains backend updates for Season 6 as well as almost all Planetfall Cosmetics, our first iteration of Companions, a card behavior change, and a few card balancing changes. We are also working on long term UI/UX updates and other QoL changes.
A new Battle Pass featuring two new playable cards will be starting alongside Season 6 - January 1st, 00:00 UTC.
Planetfall Cosmetics are now supported in-game.
Battle Pass Cosmetic Upgrades from Season 3, 4, and 5 will be ending on January 5th.
Companions are now supported in-game.
Card Behavior Change - Copying “Battle Ready” Units
Card Balancing Changes - Augencore + Shroud
Known Bug - Noura, Hand of Unity
Bug Fixes
Season 5 SE + MP Raffle
Season 6 SE + MP Raffle
Season 6: Iron Reign
Forge your path to victory. Unleash Ishkur, Arak’s Enforcer.
New Playable Legendary Cards - Ishkur, Arak’s Enforcer & Noura, Hand of Unity
Season 6 will introduce two new playable cards: Ishkur, Arak’s Enforcer and Noura, Hand of Unity.
New Cosmetics - Paragon Skins, Card Back, Card Frame, Title
Season 6 Title Achievement: “Arak’s Enforcer”
Title: “Arak’s Enforcer” can be earned by reaching Level 33 within the Season 6 Battle Pass.
Each season we will continue to offer you new cards and cosmetics exclusive to the Battle Pass.
Planetfall Cosmetics Now Live
Planetfall Cosmetics are now available in game! Equip your latest pulls today and flex your new Planetfall items! We are working on the full integration of the Battle Track feature and plan to add them soon in a future content update.
Battle Pass Cosmetic Upgrade Window Closing
Battle Pass Cosmetic Upgrades for Seasons 3, 4, and 5 closes on January 5th at 5pm ET. If you intend to upgrade and mint any Paragon Skins, Card Backs, or Card Frames from those Seasons, please claim and mint before this deadline.
Our first iteration of Companions is now live. We are actively developing this feature and would like to hear from our Companion holders while we continue to improve the experience. If any Companions cause issues please reach out to a mod or team member.
Card Behavior Change - Copying “Battle Ready” Units
When a copy of a unit with the Keyword “Battle Ready” is created, it will be ready to attack regardless of whether the reference unit has already spent its attack that turn. Previously, only units that had not spent their attack that turn and were then copied would allow the copies to be able to attack on the same turn. Card combinations such as Synchronicity into Scanner Probe would be an example of this.
Card Balancing Changes
Artillery Juggernaut - 3 damage → 2 damage
Anti-Organic Pulse - 7 cost → 8 cost
Engine Whisperer - 1/1 → 1/2
Life Siphon - 2 cost → 1 cost
Enthalpy’s Grasp - 4 cost → 2 cost
Sacred Siphoner - 3/4 → 3/5
Known Bug
AHOY! - Noura, Hand of Unity currently allows you to turn your units into pirates. This will be patched moving forward. For now, enjoy your swashbuckling!
Bug Fixes
Jury-Rigged Juggernaut - Jury-Rigged Juggernaut will now destroy itself regardless of whether upgrades were attached.
Shield Pod / Flurry of Genius - Flurry of Genius has been fixed to no longer be able to attach upgrades to Shield Pod.
Shield Pod / Mechanize - The upgraded unit will not be able to attach any upgrades after receiving Shield Pod's ability.
Sixth Palm of Galli / Honored Steward - Sixth Palm of Galli will now destroy itself whenever it re-enters the field with 0 counters after returning from the Singularity due to Honored Steward’s ability.
*Master Thief Kozo - Master Thief Kozo's description has been updated to "When this unit would enter the waste," to allow equipped upgrade's abilities to trigger before Master Thief Kozo is put back into the hand.
Season 5: Recombinant Justice Masterpiece and SE Raffle
Our raffle for Season 5 will occur after the first week of January. If you’ve minted or purchased the First Edition version of Romus, Recombinant Justician during Season 5 and continue to hold the cards in your wallet during the snapshot on January 5th, 2024 @ 5pm ET, you will be automatically entered for a chance at both the Special Edition [SE] and Masterpiece of Romus, Recombinant Justician. If you’ve minted or purchased the First Edition version of Master Thief Kozo during Season 5 and continue to hold the cards in your wallet during the snapshot on January 5th, 2024 @ 5pm ET, you will be automatically entered for a chance at the Special Edition [SE] of Master Thief Kozo. The Masterpiece [MP] of Master Thief Kozo will not be raffled, as it was allocated into Planetfall Packs as outlined in our Season 5 blog. Winners will have their SE or MP sent to their wallet. Each card represents a chance at a Special Edition or Masterpiece. Please note the claim period for Romus and Kozo closes on January 5th at 5pm ET. Please claim and mint before this deadline.
Season 6: Iron Reign Masterpiece and SE Raffle
Season 6 will include a Masterpiece and Special Edition raffle for Ishkur, Arak’s Enforcer and Noura, Hand of Unity. More details for this raffle will be provided at the end of Season 6.