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With Patch 0.23 coming out today and Season 4 just around the corner, we wanted to take a moment to catch you up with All Things Season 4 and Patch 0.23.
A new Battle Pass will be starting alongside Season 4 - November 1st, 00:00 UTC.
New Customization Options: Paragon Emotes & Field Backs
Newly implemented in-game store, offering a wide variety of items with future iterations to come.
Adjustments to Replication
Season 3: Crimson Confidant Masterpiece and SE Raffle
Patch Notes [0.23]
Indulge in the dark allure of gluttony and greed, embracing your higher purpose alongside Baron Squire, the Vile. Transcend to an elevated realm earning exclusive rewards while swearing fealty to the enigmatic Great One.
New Playable Legendary Card - Baron Squire, the Vile
New Cosmetics - Paragon Skins, Card Back, Card Frame, Title
Each season we will continue to offer you new cards and cosmetics exclusive to the Battle Pass.
Level 40 Title Achievement: The Vile
For our dedicated players, who are looking for an additional challenge to complete this season, we are implementing a new reward at Level 40 within the Bonus Levels. As you know, Bonus Levels are not purchasable and offer rewards for those who continue to play after reaching Level 30 within the current season’s Battle Pass. Reaching Level 40 will award you the title ‘The Vile’ for Season 4: Sinister Ascent. Please note the title will not show in game until a few days after November 1st.
Our latest update adds both Field Backs and Paragon Emotes to the game. Field Backs can be set per deck along with Card Backs and Card Frames within the deck appearance menu. Paragon Emotes can be customized within the Paragon Customization Menu [PARAGONS] alongside Paragon Skins.
Patch 0.23 includes our first iteration of the in-game store, which will continuously see new items including Paragon Skins, Field Backs, and Paragon Emotes. There will be both Glint & Prime exclusive cosmetic offerings available within the in-game or web store. These are limited timed exclusives and may not return for some time.
Prime Priced Cosmetics
Prime priced Paragon Skins will only be sold once during their limited time mint within the web store. Once the mint window closes, the edition size will be updated and these cosmetics will only be available on secondary markets.
We look forward to your feedback as we continue to iterate and improve the store.
Replication Adjustments
There will now be more opportunities to replicate - check back on your favorite cards.
Season 3: Crimson Confidant Masterpiece and SE Raffle
Our raffle for Season 3 will occur during the first week of November. If you’ve minted the First Edition version of Mirielle, the Ghost of Mars during Season 3 and continue to hold the card in your wallet during the snapshot on Oct 31, 2023 @ 8pm EST, you will be automatically entered for a chance at both the Special Edition [SE] and Masterpiece. Winners will have their [SE] or MP sent to their wallet. Each First Edition [FE] card equals a chance at a Special Edition or Masterpiece.
We have more to share in the coming weeks with balance changes coming soon. We hope you enjoy Season 4: Sinister Ascent.
Mission Adjustments
We’ve removed the least popular missions from our daily mission pool. We look to add more missions in upcoming content updates.
New XP Values:
Daily Missions: 500 —> 600
Weekly Mission: 1500 —> 3000
Bounty: 750 —> 500
Win: 20 —> 40
Loss: 0 —> No Change
QoL Improvements Including:
Decks now always contain the rarest cards in the player profile. Whenever a player buys a card, this should automatically replace any lower-tier version of the card in his decks.
Keyword descriptions now appear on hover for upgrades or cards that gain a keyword after activation.
Filtering change to include keywords.
Number of wins required for Ranked Bounty reward reduced from 25 wins to 20 wins. Please note: You must complete your current bounty at 25 wins if obtained before the update. Once completed the updated requirement will be reflected in-game.