
Patch 0.61.3


Patch 0.61.3 Now Live

Patch 0.61.3 will feature UI / UX improvements and several additional bug fixes. This blog also highlights changes coming to our Battle Pass cadence.


We have heard your feedback about our recent UI / UX changes. As a result, we have made some additional improvements. We’ll keep making improvements and we ask our players to keep posting feedback / comments in the appropriate channels in Discord.

  • Reduced the opacity of the mask on cards in game

  • Adjusted card hover animation when attacking and defending

  • Changed the behavior of the fishing line to remove “snapping”

Bug Fixes

Double Mulligan

Fixed an issue where invalid cards were drawn periodically.

Hasty Mobilization / Scipius Magnus Alpha

Fixed an issue where Scipius’ passive would freeze the game when Hasty Mobilization was played.


Fixed an issue where Neutron Bomb would freeze the game.

Known Issues

AI using Split Cards

Playing split cards in the AI Queue will cause game crashes and errors. If you are playing against AI and the AI use a deck containing split cards it will cause game breaking errors. We recommend avoiding this while we work on a fix.

Battle Pass Cadence Update

Beginning in 2025, we will adjust when the Battle Pass season starts and ends. Starting with Season 11, all Battle Passes will begin/end on the first Thursday of the month instead of the first day of the month. We will also be changing the time of rollover from 00:00 UTC (7:00 PM ET) to 15:00 UTC (10:00 AM ET). The final date/time to mint the Battle Pass card and related cosmetics will also be changed from the 8th of every month to the second Thursday of the month at 15:00 UTC (10:00 AM ET).