Patch 0.61.2

Patch 0.61.2 Now Live
Patch 0.61.2 will feature Double Mulligan, UI / UX improvements, Balance Changes, and several additional bug fixes.
Double Mulligan
UI / UX improvements
Card Changes
Bug Fixes
Double Mulligan
In an effort to try to claw back some equity for going second, we’re introducing Double Mulligan. Simply, the player going second will have another mulligan after the first. The second mulligan operates exactly like the first one, and will allow you to draw cards that were previously reshuffled during the first mulligan. We’ll be keeping an eye on how this performs to see if we get closer to 50/50 or if additional changes need to be made.
Our recent UI / UX updates prepare the game client for mobile release by creating a consistent visual experience across platforms. We'll keep refining and improving the interface based on your feedback as we continue development.
New UI for Home Page, Unranked, Ranked, and AI
New UI for Bounties and Missions
Navigation / Menu UI Updates
Removed Redundant Tooltips
Card Hover Improvements
Added Open All button to Card Opening
Added Expansion Filters to Collection
Unranked mode now features AI opponents, giving you a stress-free way to complete missions without affecting your competitive rank.
Practice and progress through your mission objectives at your own pace //.
Card Changes
We’ve got a massive list of changes in store from the Team for the latest patch that we’re excited to break down, so let’s get started:
We’re continuing to ramp up our turnaround capabilities when it comes to making quick, reactive changes to what we see in the meta. We know the timing is a little tight (okay, a lot tight) with the upcoming Major, but we felt getting these changes out as soon as possible would be the best for the combined overall health of the ladder, the team, and the tournament environment.
Our goals with this set of changes were to deal with some problematic play patterns that arose over the past month while also taking a deeper look at balancing the top end of the metagame.
Here’s a list of the changes briefly with more in-depth rationale below:
Combat Heuristics Extrapolator
We were aiming this card at a few targets and it hit them all. A little too well actually. We wanted this card to be an enabler for ADHQ as a new, powerful vehicle, to have exciting cards in each Parallel with Charge, and to shake up both the Marcolian Unit and Burn deck lists. CHE has demonstrated that there’s enough going on under the hood with the energy and card advantage it provides that it doesn’t need to generate the value immediately to be worth including. The promise of value and the threat it provides turn after turn should be sufficient to keep it a viable choice without feeling as ubiquitous or oppressive.
Take It or Leave It
This card is currently causing players to feel like it is an auto-include in any deck and that deckbuilding is now a 37-card problem. This change is both to reduce that feeling and also temper the potential upside that the card brings with a more appropriate downside risk. This change still allows for the explosive draws and out-of-sequence plays that we want to enable with the card, but comes at a significantly increased risk to early game resource output while also amplifying the already existing cost to drawing it late.
Marcolian Bannerman
This unit is doing its job as a scaling threat in Effect-heavy Marcolian decks, but is often creating blowout games where the early board is nearly locked down and the opponent, especially if on the draw, doesn’t have the appropriate tools to stabilize or come back. This change should leave a reasonable amount of power in the card while curbing the output of the most powerful of draws.
Engine Whisperer / Lord Harf, Cartel Treasurer
These were both changed to combat multiple forms of an infinite combo deck. Free things are always fun but risky, and we saw the risky part come true pretty quickly. Why change these and not Pocket Dimension? It would have been chasing various forms of the infinite combo. The issue wasn’t with card flow but with unlimited energy. Why change Harf, too? If the Nth Engine Whisperer could just become a Harf, that doesn’t remove the infinite, it just makes it take longer and lose some percentage of consistency. What about early game Shroud? See the next entry in these patch notes!
Life Siphon
With the changes to early game energy reduction, we decided to put some of that power back into the card it was most often used to benefit. Ideally the situations in which Shroud really needs a free Life Siphon or two they’ll still have them.
Embedded Agent
This card was meant to be an early answer to cards like Marcolian Bannerman and the Marcolian Burn deck while also being a strong draw in the mid-to-late game to answer larger, more problematic threats (or to get around shielded). Now that we’re dinging Bannerman, this card has room to come down, specifically against Effects.
Memento of the Fallen
In addition to being part of a recently-discovered infinite combo deck involving Critical Fusion, it can often feel difficult to make progress against this card. This change is aimed at leaving a ton of power on the card, but also creates a safety valve against unintended endless interactions, which opponents can see as a new attack vector.
Gnaeus Valerus Alpha
Gnaeus is a bit of a boogeyman at lower ranks and is a highly-automatable strategy that often finds victory or defeat in the first few turns. This change is aimed at turning some of those early non-games into games, weakening the automated version of the strategy, and simultaneously buffing all early-game answers to the strongest Kathari draws. Don’t worry, we’ll be tracking this one closely to see if it winds up where we want it, and we’ll add power back to Kathari where necessary.
Scipius Magnus Alpha
Added non-Paragon clause to avoid an infinite loop.
Allocated Provisions
We’re making a quality of life change here that doesn't change the overall effect of the card and just smooths interacting with it. You’ll now be able to activate once, conceal any number of bank cards, then shuffle the corresponding amount of supply caches into your deck.
No Snitching
Adjusted card text to avoid confusion.
Shield of Nehemiah
Adjusted card text to avoid confusion.
Gaffar's Rage
Gaffar’s Rage had misleading text that didn’t reflect the intended functionality. The intended function is such that there will be three separate instances of a friendly unit dealing its damage to a random enemy three times, which can hit the same target multiple times (and must do so if there aren’t more targets), then hit a friendly target once.
Wallbreaker Siege Craft / Sower of Unrest / Provoked Caretaker / Mycelial Conduit
We have added a clause “Limit once per turn” to all of these Activate abilities to prevent infinite loops.
Bug Fixes
Nehemiah's Mycelium Uplink
Fixed an issue where Nehemiah's Mycelium Uplink timer had irregularities.
Gaffar's Rage
Fixed an issue where Gaffar's Rage would not correctly attack the same target three times if there was only one valid target. Adjusted card text.
The Great Enigma
Fixed an issue where you could not play the stolen effect correctly.
Aetian Subjugate / Convergent Centurus
Fixed an issue where the game would soft lock when both abilities triggered.
Drone Printer
Fixed an issue where the text was incorrect on the activation panel.
Shield Pod
Fixed an issue where banishing Shield Pod incorrectly activated abilities tied to banishing target units.
Split Cards
Fixed an issue where you could not play one side of a Split Card if you didn’t have enough energy for its parent card.
Nehemiah, Defender of Earth / Ritual Markings
Fixed an issue where Ritual Markings would not correctly destroy Nehemiah, Defender of Earth.
Sabotaged Supply Cache
Fixed an issue where Sabotaged Supply Caches would be incorrectly shuffled into your deck when using related cards.
Earthbreaker Cannon
Fixed an issue where tokens would not trigger Earthbreaker Cannon’s ability.
Catherine, Sword of Valli
Fixed an issue where Catherine, Sword of Valli’s ability would not be triggered.
The Hacker
Fixed an issue where The Hacker would also incorrectly switch the stats of cards in your decks.
The New Dawn
Fixed an issue where The New Dawn’s ability timer to retrieve a card from the singularity had irregularities.
Astel's Glaive
Fixed an issue where Astel's Glaive ability would incorrectly trigger when being attacked.
Fixed an issue where Sabotaged Supply Caches would not be created at the start of each players' turn.
Fixed an issue where the card would be played on the incorrect side.
Unseen Allies
Fixed an issue where playing cards from the singularity would cause a soft lock.
Brand, Steward Eternal / No Snitching / Master Poisoner
Fixed an issue where Brand, Steward Eternal and Master Poisoner’s abilities would still trigger when they had been removed by No Snitching.
Perfect Loops
Fixed an issue where Perfect Loops for Aftermath Cards were not shown correctly.
Known Issues
Inspect View
There is an issue where card text is not shown when flipping through cards in the Inspect View.
Adira, the Ill Omen / Split Cards
There is an issue when Adira takes and plays the opponents Split card, causing a crash.
Upgrade Drawer
There is an issue with the arrows buttons when viewing the Upgrade drawer.
Transformed Cards
There is an issue with Transformed cards that leave the field where the card art remains.
Game End Screen
There is a graphical issue on the Victory/Defeat screen.
If you experience any unexpected interactions or bugs please continue to report them through the in-game reporting system, thank you!