Patch 0.60.3

Patch 0.60.3 Now live
Patch 0.60.3 will feature balance changes and several additional bug fixes.
Card Changes
Bug Fixes
Card logic
Card Changes
Bug Fixes
Fleet Support
Fixed an issue where Fleet Support was causing effects to resolve in the incorrect order.
Magna, Tempest's Will / Triumph of Europa
Fixed an issue where Magna, Tempest’s Will “Deal damage equal to this unit’s attack to target enemy unit.” muster ability would deal an incorrect amount of damage after being played onto the field and buffed by Triumph of Europa.
Cartel Enforcer
Fixed an issue where the game would potentially softlock when Cartel Enforcer was played when your deck was empty.
Baron Squire, the Vile
Fixed an issue where Baron Squire, the Vile’s card ability text was outdated.
Tide of Ottius
Fixed an issue where Tide of Ottius would incorrectly gain counters.
Astel's Glaive
Fixed an issue where Astel's Glaive’s card ability text was outdated.
Point Defense Turret
Fixed an issue where Point Defense Turret’s card ability text and function was incorrectly changed.
Adira, the Ill Omen
Fixed an issue where effects selected by Adira, the Ill Omen’s ability would not properly be played by the player that controls Adira, the Ill Omen.
Fixed an issue where Salvage was not functioning correctly.
Touchscreen Compatibility
Fixed an issue where devices with touchscreen functionality would lose mouse and or trackpad functionality while touchscreen was enabled.
Various UI / UX Fixes
Fixed various miscellaneous UI / UX issues that were introduced with a previous patch.
Card Logic
Catherine’s Rallying Cry / Marcolian Bannerman / Artillery Spotter
Marcolian Bannerman and Artillery Spotter no longer have their abilities triggered when played from Catherine's Rallying Cry.