PATCH 0.60

Patch 0.60 Now live
Patch 0.60 will feature New Rarity Bonuses for Prime earnings, Emissions Increases, New Player Updates, UI / UX improvements, Balance Changes, and several additional bug fixes.
Aftermath Expansion Preparation
Prime Earning Potential: New Rarity Bonuses
Emissions Increase
New Player Updates
UI / UX Improvements
Card Changes
Bug Fixes
Aftermath Expansion Preparation
Aftermath is almost here and along with it - over 90 new cards including a new way to charge into battle. The Aftermath set includes 15 variants, Native Language cards, and exciting changes to the look and feel of the UI / UX. We are excited to enable Aftermath cards later this month on November 25th!
Prime Earning Potential: New Rarity Bonuses
We're introducing a new feature that rewards players for winning with more rare versions of cards!
When you win a match, you'll now earn bonus Prime based on the version of card in your winning deck.
All card versions more rare than First Edition [FE] will provide bonus Prime earnings.
The more rare your card is, the higher your potential Prime reward bonus.
This bonus system applies to all card versions above First Edition [FE], including:
Special Edition [SE]
Perfect Loop [PL]
Native Language [NL]
Prime Variant [PV]
Artigraph [AG]
Emissions Increase
We thank Echelon for their continued support. They have recently shared an increase to gameplay emissions from November onward to reflect player base growth observed over the last few months!
New Player Updates
We are working on many improvements to the new player experience. While we work on larger changes, we've released our first change - an update to Rookie Mode where players can only be matched against AI opponents. We look forward to sharing more updates in the coming months!
UI / UX Changes
Redesigned Navigation Menu
Added an animation within the Bank to communicate if the player has not yet banked a card during their turn
Decreased the resolution time of the “VICTORY” animation
Reformatted the “PRIME EARNINGS” post match screen
Improved initial game start load times
Redesigned initial Login Screen
Improved card inspection view
Implemented a new confirmation button when attempting to Concede a match
Updated Pack Bundle images
When removing cards from the deck list within the deck editor, removed cards will now reach a quantity of 0 before being fully removed from the deck list
Relocated the Paragon’s Passive Ability text from the card inspection view to the Paragon’s card function text.
Improved Store product ordering
Added a tooltip for the “ACTIVATE” keyword
Updated “ARMED” keyword tooltip text
Card Changes
Bug Fixes
Amniotic Mitosis Chamber
Fixed an issue where the visual effect would not play properly.
Baron Squire, the Vile / Triumph of the Lost / Triumph of Europa
Fixed an issue where one too many effects would be copied.
Ingrid, the Right Hand
Fixed an issue where Ingrid, the Right Hand could not use the “Create and Play a copy of the last unit you played” ability correctly.
Malia, Voice of the Gifted
Fixed an issue where units with an Aftermath ability who would be destroyed by Malia, Voice of the Gifted’s Muster would still have their Aftermath ability trigger.
Noura, Hand of Unity
Fixed an issue where Noura, Hand of Unity's ability was improperly interacting with Earthbreaker Cannon, Crimson Fleet Machinist, and Armored Division HQ.
Stabilized Shard
Fixed an issue where Stabilized Shard would not appear on the ability panel when it’s ability would trigger.
Cards Collection
Fixed an issue where memory usage would increase while on this screen.
Fixed an issue where you couldn’t scroll to see your entire decklist.
Split Cards
Fixed an issue where the card outline was showing improperly.